April 26th, 2024: Director’s Update


I am still in disbelief that the school year is almost over! It has been another great year at LOLCP, I will miss your kids, especially the ones going to Kindergarten. Please refer new families as we still have openings for next year.Is anyone coming to the End of the Year picnic? We only have 17 families that have RSVPed and the due date is Weds . May 1. 

End of Year family Picnic, Thurs 5/16, 6pm-7:30pm. See attached flyer. Please send in RSVP and $5.00 by May 1st. 

Lord of Life Lutheran Church VBS registration is open (see attached). Please consider volunteering also. https://www.lol-lutheran.com/events/announcements/vbs-is-back-2024Please share our FB post about having openings for next year! 

Please help us to promote the preschool and share our posts regarding openings. This is a huge help!! 

Enrollment Packets for the 24-25 School year are attached and went home in backpacks next week (so you don’t need to print it).  It is much easier to fill these out now and return it before the end of school. 

We just have a few spots left in our Summer Fun Camps! See attached flyer to sign up today! 6 spots in Circus camp, May 20-23 and 1 spot in Zoo Camp, May 28-31.

Upcoming Dates:

*Mom’s Day Teas, Field Days, End of Year celebrations are coming up soon, please see your child’s teachers emails for more information.

     5/16 End of Year Family picnic 6-7:30pm

Please, never hesitate to call, text or email with questions or concerns. We all want what is best for “our” children!!!

Have a great weekend! 



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