Parents, What a wonderful week at LOLCP, the Family Sweetheart Dance was magical! See the LOLCP facebook page for pictures. Thanks to everyone that came out to this fun event. Thanks so much to all of the parents that helped …

Lord of Life Christian Preschool
Where learning & discovery take place.
Lord of Life Christian Preschool
Where learning & discovery take place.
Parents, What a wonderful week at LOLCP, the Family Sweetheart Dance was magical! See the LOLCP facebook page for pictures. Thanks to everyone that came out to this fun event. Thanks so much to all of the parents that helped …
Parents, A “warm up” is coming, high of a balmy 38 tomorrow! Hopefully we can get back to outdoor recess next week! And since it is supposed to be above freezing, we will go back to our regular outdoor pick …
Parents, Cannot believe that Christmas is almost here, so excited for our Christmas Programs next week. They will also be streamed on the Lord of Life site. Christmas parties are the week of 12/16, if you signed up to help and …
Parents , Reminder, there is no school next week. Have a great Thanksgiving break. Enjoy your family! It was great seeing so many of y’all at the Thanksgiving Feasts! The kids did an amazing job, I am so proud of them! Now on to the Christmas Programs! …
Parents, I am looking forward to our Thanksgiving Feasts next week. I always love these. I am especially thankful for all of our LOLCP families! I truly have the best job ever!! Here is this month’s chapel recap; IMG_7470.MOV – Google Drive …
Parents, The kids were so adorable in their costumes! Don’t forget to fall back this weekend, 1 extra hour of sleep, yay!! No school next Tuesday for Election day. Pray for our country! PUMP-IT-UP night THIS Monday 11/4/24 6pm -7:30pm. Can pay …
Parents, Thanks so much to all the dads (& other special people) that came out for Pumpkin Carving! What a great time!! Next week is Halloween Parties, can’t wait to see all of the adorable kids in their adorable costumes! …
Parents, Just a reminder that we do not have school tomorrow (Thurs 10/17) or Friday (10/18) as it is Lakota’s Fall Break. Things really start getting crazy now, with the holiday coming up so I will try to keep you …
Parents, It looks like fall may finally be here, next week’s temps are in the 50s, 60s & 70s. We had fabulous weather for our field trips, I hope it holds up for Pumpkin carving in a week and a …
Parents, I know not everyone is liking this warm weather but I love it. I am so excited that I am going to get my 3 grandsons (ages 2, 3 & 6) this weekend! We plan to go to the Zoo, …