Parents, I know not everyone is liking this warm weather but I love it. I am so excited that I am going to get my 3 grandsons (ages 2, 3 & 6) this weekend! We plan to go to the Zoo, …

Lord of Life Christian Preschool
Where learning & discovery take place.
Lord of Life Christian Preschool
Where learning & discovery take place.
Parents, I know not everyone is liking this warm weather but I love it. I am so excited that I am going to get my 3 grandsons (ages 2, 3 & 6) this weekend! We plan to go to the Zoo, …
Wow, it is almost time for another school year!!! Sad to see summer end but thrilled to get the school year started! End of Summer playdate: Next Friday, Aug 23, 10am Heroes Park, Fairfield corner of Millikan & Morris roads (Near …
Wow, that is all I can say is Wow!! Another wonderful year has come to an end at Lord of Life Christian Preschool! Thanks so much to all who came to our End of the year Family Picnic, so much …
Parents, It is getting ready to get very quiet around here (sad)! So glad we have summer camps and I will get to see some of the kids! For those going to Kindergarten, we will miss your children so much! …
Parents, I am LOVING this summer weather! I hope it continues!! How can we have 1 1/2 weeks left of school?!! 3’s & 5’s Last Day is Tues 5/14, and 4s is Weds 5/15. Our End of year Family Picnic is Thursday …
Parents, I am still in disbelief that the school year is almost over! It has been another great year at LOLCP, I will miss your kids, especially the ones going to Kindergarten. Please refer new families as we still have openings …
Parents, What an amazing week, a taste of summer weather! I love it!! I cannot believe we are in the homestretch! Less than a month left of school. But we have lots of fun activities planned, Mom’s Day Teas, Field …